
Blog posts


If you are looking for a great-sounding set of budget IEMs, then order these and move on with your day. For under $30, they sound insanely good; when discounted, it's a no-brainer.

Shane Cutting

For my old ears, A/B testing cables is a chore. Using my IMR Enigma IEMs with this cable, everything sounds like it's in the right place. the Kinera seemed to smooth things a little bit...

Jason Russell

When these in-ear headphones first appeared on my screen, I was going to skip them. I hadn’t heard of Kinera before, but after doing some research on them, I was surprised to find that Kinera actually...


First IEM so took a while to get used to the upside down wearing but sounds really good and design is cute. Comes with a pouch for traveling too.I currently use these headphones at work because of the sound, comfort, and cost.


My new favorite iem's, details are clear, instruments are super separated, staging is perfect for my ears. I used them with many dongle dac amps on my s24 + with flac files and amazon music and i can't say enough good things about them.


For the price, these are pretty good headphones. I can wear them while walking. They look and feel good for the money too. There are better in-ear headphones out there if your budget is around $200, but for their price they are hard...


I tried the Spinfit CP100s and they took the vocals up a notch but could be a little harsh on some tracks, I ended up going with the ikko foam tips which put the vocals half a step back than the spinfit and half a step forward than the Sednas...
